Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The bustle of Christmas

I woke up this morning in a panic.  Realizing that my youngest boy turns 5 tomorrow and the preprations for his bday party this weekend AND finishing up Christmas shopping...WHEN WILL I HAVE TIME???  It's always last minute.  Every year, it's last minute.  However, this year I'm focusing on the real reason for Christmas.  Not the gifts (they will get a couple) but I want my kids to celebrate Christ's birth, not celebrate how many gifts they get.  During the holidays, I think that we get too busy baking, shopping, and decorating that we don't have time to breathe.  I love all this stuff, don't get me wrong, but I need to just slow down.  Another great idea, most of the gifts this year are going to be homemade (the best kind).  I already foresee a WONDERFUL Christmas!!!!  I'm so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely true! Happy Birthday, Benjamin....and Merry Christmas to my favorite Crumpton and Reid family!!

    ps when are you going to post a pic of your first completed knitting project? ;)
