Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Wednesday and then some...

I did some spring cleaning this weekend and I'm amazed to say that the house looks a heck of alot better!  Oh, and I'm proud to say that in the midst of my cleaning, I found my camera!!!  Yay!!!  However, Caleb's cupcakes were gone by the time I found it so I wasn't able to take any pictures.  Oh, the reason that I cleaned was because my laptop was "sick" for a little while.  My daughter decided to put a virus on it and I had to completely remove everything, restore it back to it's factory settings, and reinstall programs.  Do you know how long that takes?????  People that do that for a living must have tons of patience because there were many times that I wanted to chuck this badboy out the window!  It's back again, thank goodness!  However, no kids are allowed on my laptop from now on.  They can use the desktop. 
Now, if only Friday would get here!  It's been a long week already! 

Happy Wednesday and blessings!


  1. Hey Kristi, just blog hopping by from Blog Frog to say hi!

  2. yes...friday...HURRY UP!! i just had to take olivia's computer in to have it completely cleaned up...she had so many viruses that we couldn't even start to figure out how to clean it up. and hey - i've been using those soap stones - i hope that's their name...i can't remember and don't want to walk out to the garage! :) i like them!
