Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Colorful Bags

I have been on a sewing kick lately to make bags.  I've made the kids bags out of old tshirts, I've made bags for myself, and I've made bags for friends.  I can't help myself.  When I walk into a fabric store, I'm taken over by all of the beautiful patterns and colors.  I seriously could live in a fabric store.  I am like a kid in a candy store.  So,  here is my favorite by far.  It's not for everyone but I love, love the colors!!!!

Ok, so I know that it looks a bit like a quilt but that's what I love about it!


Monday, March 28, 2011

...and we're back!!!

This past week has been one heck of a week!  Sick kids, aching mommy, and awful change in weather!  We went from some lovely days to nasty cold and rainy weather!  I'm slowly moving again but my daughter just seems to stay at a halt.  She has been battling chronic and severe asthma so she's having a rough time.  We've been to the doc WAY too many times and we're going to be heading back to the pulmonologist again Friday.  Something has to give!  However, I feel so blessed that Brayden doesn't have anything worse than asthma and allergies, even though she's been in and out of the hospital since she has been little. 
On another note, I have joined the Pinterest group!  Once you are accepted to join, you can tag anything on the web that catches your eye!  Then you can pin away on your boards!  It's quite addicting!!  Thank you, Sara @http://walkslowlylivewildly.com/, for the idea to join!!  You guys need to check it out!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Calypso Mama - Gin and coconut water

Ok, with the weather warming up and today was just an amazingly, beautiful day, I've been thinking about a vacation.  I need to be at the beach soaking up the vitamin D!  Soooo, i've been looking at escapes lately; something that the kids would enjoy as well as myself!  So, in the spirit of some sunshine, here's something for your listening pleasure!!  Thank you to my friend Moodthy @ My Crazy Sexy Life for the song inspiration!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy Wednesday and then some...

I did some spring cleaning this weekend and I'm amazed to say that the house looks a heck of alot better!  Oh, and I'm proud to say that in the midst of my cleaning, I found my camera!!!  Yay!!!  However, Caleb's cupcakes were gone by the time I found it so I wasn't able to take any pictures.  Oh, the reason that I cleaned was because my laptop was "sick" for a little while.  My daughter decided to put a virus on it and I had to completely remove everything, restore it back to it's factory settings, and reinstall programs.  Do you know how long that takes?????  People that do that for a living must have tons of patience because there were many times that I wanted to chuck this badboy out the window!  It's back again, thank goodness!  However, no kids are allowed on my laptop from now on.  They can use the desktop. 
Now, if only Friday would get here!  It's been a long week already! 

Happy Wednesday and blessings!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feeling Lousy

Yesterday was my sweet boy's birthday so I ended up eating things that weren't on my diet.  Since eating raw foods, my RA and fibro symptems haven't been as bad.  I was sleeping better, feeling better during the day, and then yesterday rolls around around.  I thought, hey, it won't be so bad to eat the cheese and crackers, onion rings, and cupcakes.  WELL, let me just tell you, that TODAY is a MISERABLE day!  Thank the lord for my baby girl.  She does reflexology pretty darn well!  Yep, I'm training her up good:)

When I find my camera, I'll take pic of the green octopus cupcakes that Caleb wanted for his bday. 

This is what I feel like this morning:
 Happy Sunday and blessings!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

An 8 yr. old boy and 3:45 AM!!!

I was sleeping sooo soundly this morning and in the middle of a pretty good dream when I feel a little tap on my arm.  It was Caleb, my 8 yr old as of today.  I looked at the time and thought 3:45??  Are you kidding me??  So, I was desperate to fall back to sleep, I told him to take my laptop into his room and play a game or something.  After many failed attempts to go back to sleep, I figured that I might as well start the coffee (the one thing that I haven't been able to give up on my raw food diet, however, I've cut down to 1 cup!).  So, at 4:25 in the morning, he and I are putting together one of his birthday presents.  A Star War lego Freeco Speeder AKA some kind of plane.  So, this is the convo that went down just now. 
Caleb: "this is hard to put together", ME: "well, it has step by step directions if you read the book", Caleb:"  No, it's easier if you just look at the box".  Um, yeah.  He's a typical male, for ya!  I will be posting pics later of his octopus cupcakes that he wants (they are going to be vegan-he'll never know the difference).  Hehehehe!!!!

Happy EARLY Saturday @ 5am!!!

Happy Birthday to my sweet Caleb!  8 yrs old!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

iPhone Pictures

I finally figured out how to download pictures off of my iphone.  Yes, after I did it, I felt absolutely ridiculous b/c it was probably the easiest thing to do.  None the less, I'm going to post some pics that were on my phone...just because. 
These are some wonderful little lavender bags that I made to stick in pillowcases!  Smells delicious and it's soothing!

This is the wheatgrass that I bought and had a crazy idea that I would juice this stuff.  First of all, it took a bit of time to juice it AND you could smell it throughout the whole kitchen for a while.  Definintely worth the benefits.  I just need a wheatgrass juicer:)

This is my daughter's hair.  Right now in the pic, she sorta looks like cousin It or the girl from The Grudge, but she and I decided to put pink highlights in our hair!  Mine weren't as noticable since I put mine kind of under the top layer but she wanted hers to stand out!  Yes, she's 11, don't judge me, they wash out...in four weeks.

My baby goes through a different dress up stage pretty much every week.  He watched The Karate Kid (the original) and that is why he has the bandana on.  He dressed like this for about about two weeks.

So, last week, he was all about this sports coat.  He wore it everywhere.  As you can see in the pic, we were at the store.  Yep, if he could've slept in this, he would've.  I had to hide it at night.
Sunday, my older boy was watching Indiana Jones and my baby saw some of it and ALL I heard throughout the day was "I want a man bag like Indiana Jones".  I tried to ignore it for a while but after hours of constant asking, we went to the basement, he picked out this material, and I made this in about 15 min.  Sooooo, everytime we go somewhere, he wants to carry this thing!  Yikes. 

The boys were supposed to be in bed and I heard a noise coming from their room.  I opened the door and this what I saw.  Yep, sometimes I do feel like I live with a bunch of aliens!!

Happy Wednesday!!!  Blessings!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Early Morning

I woke up this morning, so excited to be the only one up!  So I walked downstairs to start the coffee pot when I heard a toilet flush.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME??????  6am on a Sunday and I have a kid up??  That or someone has broken in and decided to use our bathroom.  My 7 yr. old was already up wanting breakfast.  Uh, no.  I got up early to have some me time with my coffee and breakfast isn't happening this early.  No way, uh uh, not going to happen!!!  At that point, I was still going on with my plan.  I urged him to head to the basement, watch some cartoons, play some video games, color on the walls, whatever!  I just want my little bit of time alone!!!  So, I get my coffee, head back up to my bed, thinking that I could revel in this glorious quiet time.  5 min passes, 10 min passes...he's back up with his Nintendo DS and climbs in bed with me.  My face goes straight.  I guess that I shouldn't complain since he wants to spend some time with me but this is my time!  Think that I'll head to the bathroom with my computer.  No one will get to me there!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This is Alex
                                            This is Alex sitting next to the window

Alex thinks that he's a person.  He bites us when we put him back into his cage.  The bites do not hurt.  If we hold him long enough, he'll leave us little "presents".  We use lots of hand sanitizer.  Alex is a sweet bird and loves for us to snuggle with it (as much as one can snuggle with a bird w/out squishing it).   He spends alot of time staring out the window and talking to the birds that he hears outside.  I wonder what goes through his little head.  If he thinks that he's captive!  However, we love him! 
