Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year and New blessings...

As usual, I didn't stay up till midnight lastnight but Oh well, right?  I mean, if I had, my body would've hated me in the morning!  I have so many resolutions for 2011!  First thing is first, get back on my strict vegan diet!  I slipped during the holidays and have been paying for it!  A new year means new starts, goodbyes, lettting go, and opening new doors.  ALL of this applies to me!  I'm so blessed and I feel that this year will be great!

Now, on to sharing some of my week.  I was able to visit with one of my best friends for a day.  It seemed to go by so fast.  I love spending time with this person b/c I can just be myself and I don't feel that I have to be doing something all the time that we hang out.  We can just "be".  Soooooo, my lovely, sweet daughter took a pic of us knitting.  PSA:  Knitting is NOT just for the old!  LOLOLOL!!!!  Anyway, I'm blessed to have her as a friend!
This is us w/our knitting supplies.  Doesn't she look beautiful?  I'm the one with the bad haircut:(  Bleh! 

We left there to spend time with my cousins:  Melissa and Lacey.   Melissa can always make me laugh, no matter what, so it was it's always wonderful to see her!  She's a good soul and I KNOW that she's special just to put up with my crazy clan!

Happy New Year and and may you all have a year full of blessings!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww!!! I want you to come back so we can do nothing some more :P... Btw.. I love your hair cut! LOve You!
