My daughter will be eleven in Feburary. We have been going through some changes lately, meaning, SHE has been going through some changes. This makes me sad. Sometimes even mad. Sometimes irritated. Sometimes, I have to laugh. I refuse to believe that I ever acted the way she does.
So, I captured her day yesterday.
Ah yes. The all, endearing attitude. I had to laugh about this.
This is probably her favorite place since the girl has been eating us out of house and home. The craziness of hormones have started. God help us!!!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Early Christmas Morning
4:00 AM Christmas morning. This is the time I hear little voices in my half awake ear, while they were nudging me. "Let's go see what Santa brought". ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? WHY do they insist on getting up so early? We head downstairs (thank the lord that I had the coffee ready). Let me just say that by 11:30 am, it felt like it was bedtime.
Yes, my little one wanted an mp3 player and he loves the Jonas Brothers, so he couldn't have been happier.
Caleb got his tablet that he wanted. Now, if we can just get flash on it:(
My baby girl loaded up on Barbie stuff!
Well, no pics of me since I was the one holding the camera! Hehehehe!!!!
Yes, my little one wanted an mp3 player and he loves the Jonas Brothers, so he couldn't have been happier.
Caleb got his tablet that he wanted. Now, if we can just get flash on it:(
My baby girl loaded up on Barbie stuff!
Well, no pics of me since I was the one holding the camera! Hehehehe!!!!
A Busy December
Is it over yet? December? Christmas?? Nope, one more week and then we'll be into 2011! Can you believe it? I'm definitely ready to get back on a schedule. During Christmas break, the kids have WAY too much time on their hands, which in turn, drives me absolutely nuts. On top of that, I made a total mistake: ate ham on Christmas day. I haven't really been eating anything much other than vegan/vegetarian for the past few months so my body let me know that it wasn't happy. So, back to the diet. For lunch, I made a yummy Vegan Oatmeal Cookie that I got from It's big and very good, especially topped with Almond Butter:)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The bustle of Christmas
I woke up this morning in a panic. Realizing that my youngest boy turns 5 tomorrow and the preprations for his bday party this weekend AND finishing up Christmas shopping...WHEN WILL I HAVE TIME??? It's always last minute. Every year, it's last minute. However, this year I'm focusing on the real reason for Christmas. Not the gifts (they will get a couple) but I want my kids to celebrate Christ's birth, not celebrate how many gifts they get. During the holidays, I think that we get too busy baking, shopping, and decorating that we don't have time to breathe. I love all this stuff, don't get me wrong, but I need to just slow down. Another great idea, most of the gifts this year are going to be homemade (the best kind). I already foresee a WONDERFUL Christmas!!!! I'm so blessed!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving, knitting, and Black Friday
Thanksgiving came and went, quickly (which is just how I like it). Nothing too spectacular, just the same ole, same ole. Turkey (which I didn't eat) and all the fixin's! I did start shopping Thursday night when the Black Friday sales started! I DID get a few GREAT deals! Let's just say that Benjamin will be LOVING some Toy Story things! Friday, I got the great idea to hit Walmart and to my wonderful surprise, it wasn't packed with fighting and shoving people! The rest of that day was filled with jewelry making. Pics will come soon.
So, one of my nearest and dearest friends knits and she inspired me to go get some knitting needles and yarn. After two days and MANY hours, I believe that I've come to the conclusion that apparently my brain CAN NOT comprehend how to knit stitch!! I wanted to take those needles and stab the wall with them!!! It's sorta like getting road rage, you're just yelling at yarn and needles. I guess that Youtube shouldn't be my teacher, huh?
To all the people that may or may not get a knitted whatever it comes out to be, for Christmas, just know that it was made with love...and frustration...
So, one of my nearest and dearest friends knits and she inspired me to go get some knitting needles and yarn. After two days and MANY hours, I believe that I've come to the conclusion that apparently my brain CAN NOT comprehend how to knit stitch!! I wanted to take those needles and stab the wall with them!!! It's sorta like getting road rage, you're just yelling at yarn and needles. I guess that Youtube shouldn't be my teacher, huh?
To all the people that may or may not get a knitted whatever it comes out to be, for Christmas, just know that it was made with love...and frustration...
Monday, November 15, 2010
“A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked”
I have had an awesome weekend! I have a close, wonderful friend that let the kids and I invade her house and she even let the kiddos dig holes in her backyard. Even though we didn't do a whole much of anything, we did alot! Great conversation, laughs, and lots of dirty kids and junkfood: I think that qualifies for a great weekend! I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friend!! We miss them already:)
I have had an awesome weekend! I have a close, wonderful friend that let the kids and I invade her house and she even let the kiddos dig holes in her backyard. Even though we didn't do a whole much of anything, we did alot! Great conversation, laughs, and lots of dirty kids and junkfood: I think that qualifies for a great weekend! I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friend!! We miss them already:)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Brother
My little brother, who isn't so little anymore, just made me laugh. Not him exactly...his offspring, my neice. She just let me know that because her head is big doesn't mean that she's smart! HA! I have to say through all of the years from dressing him up in girl's clothes and putting makeup on him, to his skateboarding days, through his partying days, right up to his greatest accomplishments: my neice and nephew: Anna Kate and Will, I have always been proud of him!
These are the reasons that I love my brother:

This is my bro and little Will (who isn't so THIS little now)!

This is my bro and his beautiful family!!!
Ok, that's all for now. I just had to give him a little recognition:):)
These are the reasons that I love my brother:
- He's very easygoing
- he has a great sense of humor or should I say a dry sense of humor
- he produced two hilarious, cute offspring
- he told me about some new apps for my phone
- he has helped me out through the years
- he dresses nice
- he can ALWAYS find a deal (which isn't really fair)
- he let me drive his truck (even though he got mad in highschool when mom and dad let me drive his car)
- he gave me a great sister in law
This is my bro and little Will (who isn't so THIS little now)!
This is my bro and his beautiful family!!!
Ok, that's all for now. I just had to give him a little recognition:):)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Groceries and life
I'm heading out grocery shopping today! This really excites me b/c I have a list of recipes that I want to try! To top it off, I'm going to be heading to one of my closest friend's house for a couple of days in a little over a week and I want to make some goodies to take! I'm giddy with excitement so I'm going to start baking. I may go overboard and load her up with all kinds of stuff! List for today: school, groceries, church!
AND this has nothing to do with this post but I got a new iphone yesterday so I'm going to need to figure out that bad boy. I'm technologically challenged so this should be quite interesting. Stay tuned b/c I'll be posting about some awesome fall decorations!!!! Happy humpday!!
AND this has nothing to do with this post but I got a new iphone yesterday so I'm going to need to figure out that bad boy. I'm technologically challenged so this should be quite interesting. Stay tuned b/c I'll be posting about some awesome fall decorations!!!! Happy humpday!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Oh, how I love Halloween! I love the scarey movies, the costumes, of course the candy! However, I don't need that candy added to my bottom, that's for sure. Lastnight I heard the calling of one of the barrels of candy that we ended up with and sat down to eat FOUR candy bars! Yep, you heard me right! Yesterday was my splurge day, today I have to get back on track! Everyone had a gret time trick or treating except for Benjamin. I think that he could've just walked around and played with his knives and he would've had a grand ole time. I carried his bag of candy. I walked up to the doors with him and sometimes without him. I looked like I was trying to scam the people out of candy b/c I'm an adult. I was a little embarrassed. Good thing that I wore my mouse ears. Think that it disguised me enough???
This was just a pumpkin that we couldn't figure out the design! Still cool, though.
So, is it time to decorate for Christmas???
So, is it time to decorate for Christmas???
Thursday, October 28, 2010
A Few Things About Me
- I love coffee and hot tea (I even have a big collection of tea)
- All of my children are almost three years apart
- I'm a vegan...most of the time
- I love to cook/bake
- I have severe insomnia due to Fibromyalgia and Rheum. Arthritis
- My heating pad is my best friend these days
- I love the smell of vanilla
- I have an obsession with Walmart and Trader Joe's
- I LOVE horror flicks but I'm still scared of the dark and sleep with a light in the hallway
- Have an all new respect for teachers now that I've started homeschooling
- I believed in Santa Clause until I was almost in highschool
- I would love to live in a Yurt (as long as it had internet access and cable)
- I would wear my pj's all day if I could get away with it
- I really would love a huge collection of wigs so that I wouldn't have to mess with my hair
- I act like I'm 14 when it comes to Twilight or Vampire Diaries (love, love, love them)
- hated highschool...seriously, would not go back!
- Wish that I had eloped than had a wedding
- Would love to be able to wear my wedding dress just to run to the store (at least I would get some wear out of it)
- I don't really know what my natural hair color is because I've been coloring it for so long!
I could go on and on but I will quit for now! I hear the coffee calling me!
Friday, October 22, 2010
These bad boys are definitely full of sugar but the kids loved them!
So, to satisfy my sweet tooth while making these, I hate a handful of cacoa nibs! Yum:) Oh, and some Herba Mate tea (Definitely have a major addiction to hot tea). That's a whole other story! Happy sleeping!
As we finally finished with school today, the kids decided that it was time to decorate the pumpkins. We only carved one (I am NOT great at carving pumpkins) and it may last a couple of days until it falls apart! LOL! The other two were decorated with Mod Podge and paint! We also roasted pumpkin seeds AND made cookies! The kiddos decorated the cookies (keep this in mind when I post the pics). Now we are waiting for nightfall to light the pumpkin, make some hot chocolate, and head to the end of the driveway to see our little Jack-O-Lantern! I LOVE FALL!!!!!! Oh, and HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!
Notice that our Mod Podge pumpkin looks a little sad!
Ok, well, looks like my computer won't let me upload anymore photos so the cookie pics will have to wait!
Life and Joy
Have you ever been at that place in your life where you're truely happy? I mean, utterly, 100% happy? I don't think that I'm there, but at least I can say that I'm content where I am right now. For quite a few years I went through some rough times and went through alot of depression but I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's not that I wake up every morning doing a happy jig, but I choose to be happy with what I have! I have three beautiful kids, I have a roof over my head, a great family, and absolutely wonderful friends! Don't get me wrong, I have many a pity party but if I let it last for longer than a second, I'll lose myself and my way. It's the small changes that lead to the big and I'm still contently on my way...
"The healthiest response to life is joy."
Deepak Chopra
"The healthiest response to life is joy."
Deepak Chopra
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
That week...
It's only Tuesday but I feel like I've been through a week's worth of stuff already! Not only did I fall off of a chair yesterday (trying to kill a spider on the ceiling) but I hurt my foot and leg in the process. WHEN did I turn OLD??? I laid on the floor while my kids gathered around looking terrified. I was scared to death that they were going to call 911 or make a guerney to lift me onto. Between that, school, decorating for Halloween (which meant getting costumes ready, baking, and bringing out the candles and lights), I'm so ready for the weekend! However, I did get something REALLY cool for myself! Vampire fangs! Found them at the Halloween store! Definitely going to be a vampire for Halloween. Who wouldn't be with such cool fangs?!! Pics will come soon enough. So, tomorrow is Hump Day and it's already been a week or should I say...that week!!!! ARGH!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Field trip to Cowpens, SC
What a beautiful time of year, when the leaves are turning and the weather is getting a tad cooler! Friday, our school went on a field trip to Cowpens, since some of our students are studying the Revolutionary War. The kids had a great time being outdoors but I do have to say that the tourguide was quite longwinded. I'm not exactly sure at all what he was talking about. However, I did find out that he's 75 and has been married for more than 50 yrs! Wow, that's wonderful but has nothing to do with our trip. I'm going to post some pics. Sadly, I felt like I was taking alot of pictures of trees and grass:|
Well, this is the only pic letting me post, but you get the drift. They pretty much all look like this! Beautiful!!
Have a Glorious Monday guys!!!
Have a Glorious Monday guys!!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Something Yummy
I saw this yummy looking recipe on this blog: and thought that I would try my hand at them! The only thing that I changed was the brown sugar, I substituted sucanat for it and I added dried cranberries! They are incredibly good!!!
How wonderful do these look! I can't wait to eat one in the morning!
9 grams of healthy fats (from flax and olive oil!)
6 grams fibre
6.5 grams of protein
How wonderful do these look! I can't wait to eat one in the morning!
Nutritional Profile (per muffin):
200 calories9 grams of healthy fats (from flax and olive oil!)
6 grams fibre
6.5 grams of protein
Monday, October 11, 2010
So, I've been out of town all weekend visiting my cousin. Alot of drama was going on with her but even in the time of adversity, she still stays levelheaded and will crack jokes. Needless to say, I did ALOT of laughing! On another plus side, I got to see one of my good friends too! All in all, it was a pretty good weekend. And then I come home. DRAMA! Family "he said/she said". I sure did get an earful but all I could do was listen and from this listening, I'm about to get thrown in the middle (and it has absolutely nothing to do with me). Without going into to detail, I hope that it resolves itself soon! Family, you can't live with them and you can't smack them. I'm starting to think that distance is the only solution! Sorry for the vent! Happy Monday!!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Chia and Goji's what's for breakfast!
I recently found out about Chia seeds! You don't have to eat many because they soak up liquid and will definitely fill you up! Some of these with water or almond milk, a little fruit (Goji berries) and stevia on top, and you've got a great breakfast!
Goji berries are so yummy too and wonderful for you!! Put these in a smoothie or on top of the chia or make your own trail mix!
Goji berries are so yummy too and wonderful for you!! Put these in a smoothie or on top of the chia or make your own trail mix!
A couple of my favorite things
I went grocery shopping yesterday and got some of my favorite things. Well, actually, I got alot of my faves but I won't post them. However, I hit up Trader Joe's and Earthfare for two "must haves" for me AND for the kiddos!
Ok, this is probably my favorite. It's great on sprouted bread, w/oats and fruit, in smoothies, or by itself. There are so many things that you can do with this Almond butter!
THESE are such a delicious treat!!! Berry juices covered in dark chocolate!! Now, I'm not usually a big fan of dark chocolate but these are absolutely wonderful!! I have to hide them or the kids will get them. I know, I'm bad.
Ok, this is probably my favorite. It's great on sprouted bread, w/oats and fruit, in smoothies, or by itself. There are so many things that you can do with this Almond butter!
THESE are such a delicious treat!!! Berry juices covered in dark chocolate!! Now, I'm not usually a big fan of dark chocolate but these are absolutely wonderful!! I have to hide them or the kids will get them. I know, I'm bad.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Just a little something that makes me laugh...
This is the baby. Well, he's not such a baby anymore, but he's MY baby! He dressed himself this morning! Notice the unbrushed hair (yes, he really needs a haircut)
the hole in both knees of his pants
a flannel shirt that isn't buttoned correctly (we live in the south-it's 81degrees)
and Toy Story socks!
He would wear this outfit EVERY single day if I let him!
Now, THIS makes me laugh and kiss his little cheeks!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
This year has been a real challenge. I decided to take the kids out of their normal school setting to try the public virtual school. Basically, it's like homeschooling b/c I'm the one that has to make sure that the kids have a routine and get their school work done. They do have teachers and online classes where they can talk to and see the other children. That's great! But I have that one child. You know, the one that pushes your buttons, acts like he doesn't listen, the one that makes you wonder where you're going wrong? This kid acts completely bored, that he doesn't care about a thing that I say. WELL, after reviewing his school work and tests, he managed to get EVERYTHING right! I finally figured out why he's acting the way that he does...he's not challenged enough in school. He breezes through it. We'll definitely be making some curriculum changes...
Monday, September 27, 2010
From Raw to vegan...maybe...
After a month of eating totally raw, I have begin venturing into vegan: soy cheese, tofu, and these WONDERFUL vegan herb crackers that I found here: I made these and they are incredible! I have found that it's really fun to play around with different ingredients to see what I can come up with! I still start my day with a green smoothie (my main ingredients are baby spinach or kale, apples, bananas, an avocado, and ground flax seed or hemp seed) and I do find that a majority of my diet is raw but I do have those standbys that are there in case of a craving: soy cheese, flax crackers, vegan cupcakes, and definitely almond milk.
Above are the vegan herb crackers that I made. Notice that they aren't the same color as the one in The Kind Life. It's because I used rice flour instead of almond flour. They still turned out super yummy!
Ok, here is my updated version of the vegan herb crackers. Last time I used rice flour and this time I used the almond flour! They are GREAT!
Above are the vegan herb crackers that I made. Notice that they aren't the same color as the one in The Kind Life. It's because I used rice flour instead of almond flour. They still turned out super yummy!
Ok, here is my updated version of the vegan herb crackers. Last time I used rice flour and this time I used the almond flour! They are GREAT!
New visitor in our house...
My daughter, as some of you know, has severe asthma and allergies which has caused her to spend alot of time in the hospital. Well, as soon as she was getting better from one sickness she turns around and gets the Chicken Pox! Seriously??? I'm wondering when this house is going to be germ free???? Maybe we'll put her in a bubble:P
Sunday, September 26, 2010
My Journey to Raw
To those who don't know me, I am a mother of three and have been diagnosed with some health problems after many, many tests: fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative disc disease. After researching lots of options (rather than monthly shots), I came across the raw food diet. Eathing fruits and veggies, nothing cooked. I was fully expecting to start this diet and never make it through the first day. I love to cook AND eat! However, after a month of being on this diet and practicing Yoga daily, I can truely say that I have never felt better! I am down to two meds a day instead of ten and I'm sleeping better! My energy has improved greatly! So, this is a look into my life...just a little...:)
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